Preço total

Executive English with Private Lessons (30 hours per week)

International Gateway Kelowna, Kelowna, Canadá

Inglês One to One 30 aulas por semana

Nome curso
Executive English with Private Lessons (30 hours per week)
Horas de curso
09:00 - 16:00
Dias curso
Seg, Ter, Qua, Qui, Sex
Táxons admin.
€101,83 tooltip
Duração da lição
Certificado de curso
Idade mínima
Número médio de alunos
Curso de materiais
€27,16 Obrigatório e não incluído tooltip

Níveis: Iniciante, Elementar - nível A1, Pré-intermediário-nível A2, Intermediário - nível B1, Intermediário - nível B2, Avançado - nível C1

The main emphases of the Executive ESL program is communication and functional English for daily life. This program begins weekly year round except during July and august when it is unavailable. The minimum class size is 6, the average is 8 and the maximum is 12. IGK guarantees a very personalized, fast paced and dynamic approach to language learning with an innovative digital curriculum ( Headway and Northstar are used as supplements. At IGK students receive full 60 minute lessons. This is an important fact to check when comparing schools as many schools advertise the number of ‘lessons’ offered per week (which could range anywhere from 30-60 minutes) and not the number of actual in class hours.

Five levels of ESL are offered from Beginner to Advanced which focus on the combined skills of reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, listening and speaking. Students are placed according to their placement test scores on the first day of class. Students typically move up to the next level in 6 to 8 weeks. The maximum length of each level is 12 weeks. IGK uses a digitally enhanced curriculum. Students need to provide their own laptop computer, tablet or smart phone to access this curriculum.

Students are placed in afternoon Conversation/Canadian Culture programs according to their placement test scores. The main focus is Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation with field trips, presentations and group projects incorporated to reinforce ‘real life’ language practice. IELTS exam preparation is offered on select dates in March and September for 4 or 8 weeks.

Private Tutoring
Students can request what they would like to focus on during the private tutoring sessions. Options include: Practical ESL, writing, listening, conversation, EIKEN, IELTS or LPI exam preparation.

*Homework requirements vary with the level but students can expect 30 minutes to 1 hour of homework each day.
*There are weekly quizzes and tests to measure progress.
*A minimum of 6 students are required to run any given elective or level. Contact IGK for a current selection.
*This program is subject to a monthly material fee of $25.

International Gateway Kelowna

618 Bernard Avenue, Kelowna, Canadá

  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna
  • International Gateway Kelowna

Não há nenhum comentário de estudantes para esta escola

Informações gerais: International Gateway Kelowna

Número de aulas: 7

N º médio de alunos por sala de aula: 8

Idade mínima aluno: 8

Teste de nível sem primeiro dia:

Distância Aeroporto: 30 km.

Aeroporto mais próximo: Kelowna (YLW)

Ano de operação da escola: 2002

Horários de funcionamento de escola: 8:00 - 16:00

Datas de fechamento: Mostrar


Viagens culturais
Instalações deficientes
Área de alimentação
Acesso gratuito à internet
Internet Wi-Fi
Serviço de impressão
Material de auto-estudo
Atividades sociais
Quarto de estudante
Sala de estudo
Jogos de mesa

Informações dos alunos

•International Gateway Kelowna is not only a well respected school it is also a vibrant, friendly and exciting place to learn English. Students are encouraged to strive for excellence, immerse themselves in a new culture, enrich their minds, try new challenges and build bonds and memories that will last a lifetime. Highly qualified teachers and staff are carefully chosen for their professionalism, integrity and exceptional customer service skills. IGK hosts students from over 15 countries year round. Kelowna is Canada’s fastest growing city (population 150,000) and is famous for its internationally acclaimed vineyards, championship golf courses, bountiful orchards and azure lake waters. NATURE is KING here with world class hiking, sightseeing and mountain biking on the door step as well as skiing and snowboarding at nearby Big White Resort. There are over 200+ wineries to visit and wine, food and agricultural tourism are booming; The Okanagan Wine Festivals are held every May and October and the appellation is consistently voted one of the world’s top ten ‘must see’ wine routes. Nearby Kelowna Mountain and Bridges has the world’s 2nd longest suspension bridge network and a number of trails and amenities to explore. Finally, a visit to the city would not be complete without trying to sight the legendary lake monster, the Ogopogo.

Resumo de reserva

Curso De €288,65 Por semana
Dados de início Semanas Alunos

Preço total:

Pivô de desconto  
Reservar com e ganhe 5 % de desconto

LanguageBookings Melhor preço garantido
100% garantido, você vai pagar o preço mais barato.
Apoio excepcional
Sempre precisar de ajuda, você pode sempre chamar o nosso apoio ao cliente.
Reservas 100% confirmado
Nenhuma concorrência te garante melhores CEN de reserva

Termos & CEN: International Gateway Kelowna

- Serviços devem ser pagos completo 14 dias antes início curso a fim de EFECTUARTAR uma inscrição e garantir hum lugar fazer curso e/ou o alojamento.
- Como reservas não são transferíveis.
- Como despesas bancárias são pagas pelos alunos

Política de cancelamento

- O cancelamento deve ser comunicados por escrito para uma escola pela pessoa recente o curso.
- Como encerramento de inscrição são não-reembolsáveis.
- Taxa de reserva de alojamento não são reembolsáveis.
- Nenhum reembolso será feito para encurtar a duração curso após o pagamento.
- Não há reembolso para chegadas tardias, partidas antecipadas ou ausências, por qualquer motivo, de classes durante todo o curso.

Política de reembolso

- Se um curso é cancelado mais de 30 dias antes início curso: % de reembolso
- Se um curso é cancelado entre 14 e 29 dias antes início curso: % de reembolso
- Se um curso é cancelado entre 8 e 13 dias antes início curso: % de reembolso
- Se um curso é cancelado inferior 7 dias antes da data de início preço total será cobrado.

Recusa de visto

- Nenhum caso de um visto é recusado ao aluno, a escola irá cobrar 250 Euro e o saldo restante serão devolvidos para o aluno mediante o recebimento de uma carta de recusa de visto original.

E outros termos

Unaccompanied minors ages 18 and under are required to pay a guardianship fee which covers 24 hour medical, legal and financial assistance in an emergency. The guardianship fee is $100 for the initial fee + $100 per month service care. This fee applies to Practical ESL, High School Pathways and Volunteer Placements. The guardianship fee is included in all the summer and winter camps.

Entrar em contato com uma escola

Hum de reserva mais recente para esta escola foi México e economizou €60,46!