Alemão geral 25 aulas por semana
Níveis: Elementar - nível A1, Pré-intermediário-nível A2, Intermediário - nível B1, Intermediário - nível B2, Avançado - nível C1, Proficiente - nível C2
This is an intensive German language training course, the topics will be discussed and planned with the participants in advance, and the content will be designed specifically for your individual needs. Before we will start the course, we will have an interview via phone to get to know your language topics and level.
Our seminars take place in our training rooms and other places (e.g. Hotels, restaurants, exhibitions, castles etc.) Our focus is a relaxed and realistic German training.
• 5 day training
Once a month whole year through
Please note: In the rare event that the course will not achieve the minium number of students, the school has the right to offer 15 one-two-one lessons instead of 25 group lessons.
Schloss-Str. 4, Koblenz, Alemanha
Não há nenhum comentário de estudantes para esta escola
Número de aulas: 2
N º médio de alunos por sala de aula: 5
Idade mínima aluno: 18
Teste de nível sem primeiro dia:
Distância Aeroporto: 100 km.
Aeroporto mais próximo: Cologne or Frankfurt
Ano de operação da escola: 2009
Horários de funcionamento de escola: 8:00 - 17:00
Datas de fechamento: Mostrar
•This is an intensive English and/or German language training course, the topics will be discussed and planned with the participants in advance, and the content will be designed specifically for your individual needs. Before we will start the course, we will have an interview via phone to get to know your language topics and level. Our seminars take place in our training rooms and other places (e.g. Hotels, restaurants, exhibitions, castles etc.) Our focus is a relaxed and realistic training.
• 5 day training