Preço total

Curso super intensivo de alemão

Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Alemanha

Alemão geral + conversa 25 aulas por semana

Nome curso
Curso super intensivo de alemão
Horas de curso
09:00 - 14:30
Dias curso
Seg, Ter, Qua, Qui, Sex
Táxons admin.
€45,00 tooltip
Duração da lição
Certificado de curso
Idade mínima
Número médio de alunos
Curso de materiais
Obrigatório e não incluído tooltip

Níveis: Pré-intermediário-nível A2, Intermediário - nível B1, Intermediário - nível B2, Avançado - nível C1, Proficiente - nível C2

Este curso habilita os alunos para participar do curso de alemão geral pela manhã e para melhorar a sua conversa e fala através de aulas de conversação extra da tarde (10 aulas de conversação extra por semana). Através de discussões, diálogos e conversas que os alunos prendem-se com o professor e outros colegas estudantes, eles são capazes de concentrar-se e melhorar a sua pronúncia e falando de habilidades em alemão.

Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg

Hans-Böckler-Str. 2, Heidelberg, Alemanha

  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
  • Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg

O questionário de avaliação, é enviado para todos os estudantes frequentaram hum Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg
Estas são como como opiniões dos alunos refletem suas experiências quando estudavam nessa escola e não expressam uma opinião de
Desta forma, você pode ter uma idéia melhor sobre uma escola.

Instalações 81%
Localização 97%
Diversão 94%
Ensino 97%

Comentário Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg

15 Comentários

Informações gerais: Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg

Número de aulas: 11

N º médio de alunos por sala de aula: 9

Idade mínima aluno: 15

Teste de nível sem primeiro dia:

Distância Aeroporto: 80 km.

Aeroporto mais próximo: Frankfurt

Ano de operação da escola: 2003

Horários de funcionamento de escola: 8:30 - 18:00

Datas de fechamento: Mostrar


Após seminários curriculares classe/extra
Estacionamento de carro
Coffee shop
Sala de informática
Viagens culturais
Serviço de fax
Acesso gratuito à internet
Internet Wi-Fi
Material de auto-estudo
Atividades sociais
Sala de estudo
Chá / café

Certificações e selos de qualidade

Informações dos alunos

•When can I start attending a german course? If you have any preliminary knowledge in german, you can begin with a german course offered every Monday. First, you will be asked to take a writing placement test, after which a suitable language group will be found for you. Absolute beginners have the possibility to start a course on every first Monday of the month.

Resumo de reserva

Curso De €163,62 Por semana
Dados de início Semanas Alunos

Preço total:

Pivô de desconto  
Reservar com e ganhe 3 % de desconto

LanguageBookings Melhor preço garantido
100% garantido, você vai pagar o preço mais barato.
Apoio excepcional
Sempre precisar de ajuda, você pode sempre chamar o nosso apoio ao cliente.
Reservas 100% confirmado
Nenhuma concorrência te garante melhores CEN de reserva

Termos & CEN: Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg

- Como despesas bancárias são pagas pelos alunos

Política de cancelamento

- Uma taxa de inscrição não são reembolsáveis.
- Não há reembolso para chegadas tardias, partidas antecipadas ou ausências, por qualquer motivo, de classes durante todo o curso.
- Se um aluno está ausente por uma ou mais em algumas em algumas semanas de cada vez, Pará de feitos IMOBILIARIOS de SERIE então Bicesse podem por duração faço curso hum ser estendido sem nenhum custo extra.

Política de reembolso

- Não há reembolso PA Silva para qualquer tipo de cancelamentos.

Recusa de visto

- Nenhum caso de um visto é recusado ao aluno, a escola irá cobrar 300 Euro e o saldo restante serão devolvidos para o aluno mediante o recebimento de uma carta de recusa de visto original.

E outros termos

1. Course enrollment

If you have decided to learn at the Alpha Aktiv, we would like to ask you to register on a written form (please use our online application form, see the link). The participation conditions will be fully recognised and accepted by both parties if the course contract has been signed. In rare and special situations we accept telephone course registrations.

2. Payment

The registration fee (25€) is paid only once and should be paid after you have registered for a desired course. The remainder of the course payment should be transferred to our bank account or paid by cash in our office after you have been accepted as our school participant.

We can book a course or a room for you, only if the course and accommodation fees have been paid in full. All the fees should be paid at least 7 days before the start of the course.

Should you book a room with our institute, the accommodation fees should be fully paid at least 8 weeks before your arrival (especially in the summer time). Please pay attention to the fact that we have to book the accommodation in good time.

After the course and accommodation fees have been transferred to our bank account and we have received them, you will get a written confirmation of your payment with all the other necessary information relating to your arrival, course and booked accommodation. The course participant is also charged with all the bank fees for the transfer.

The course fees for an unattended course will not be refunded.

3. Course fees

The registration fee is 25€ and includes:

Placement test, its result and consulting
E-mail access and use of internet at school
Student ID
Detailed consultancy relating to one’s studies, work and additional qualifications
The course fee includes:

All class fees
Free-time activities
Conversation class
The course fee does not include:

Course books
Examination fees
Bank fees
4. Contract Withdrawal/ Termination

4.1 Withdrawal from a course takes effect only after a written withdrawal form has been handed in. Here the date of the withdrawal letter is crucial und determines the validity of the withdrawal. You can withdraw from a course at least 6 weeks before it starts. In such a case all the course fees will be refunded. Should you not appear at school or hand in your course termination after the course has already started, all the course fees are due to be paid. The withdrawal from a course will be accepted only if it is caused by serious and personal events like death or illness in a family. In exceptional cases Alpha Aktiv can establish a cancellation fee according to mutual agreement, issue a course coupon or suggest a different timing for the course. The course fees that have already been paid will be kept and can be calculated for the course attended later, in a different term.

4.2 Should the course participant’s visa application be rejected, the course fees will be refunded except for 300€ which is a processing fee. The refusal letter should be presented to us.

4.3 The Institute Alpha-Aktiv may cancel a course if the minimum number of participants (4 people) is not reached. In this instance previously paid tuition will be reimbursed. The other options could be: the course is held with a decreased number of lesson hours, or a course is booked at a different time.

4.4 Cancelled classes (holidays or absence of the teacher) will be made up for.

4.5 There will be no substitutions (no extra organised lesson hours) for missed classes.

4.6 If the participant is not able to attend a private class; s/he should inform the institute at least 24 hours before the start of the course.

5. Reimbursement of the accommodation fees

5.1 The accommodation fees will be completely reimbursed if you cancel your rservation at least 6 weeks before your arrival. The cancellation has to be in writing. In exceptional cases ( visa refusal, timely well-planned rebooking) the accommodation fees can also be refunded.

5.2 The rooms booked for 1 year can/should be terminated within a period of 3 month-notice.

5.3 The students, who applied for a visa, should inform the institute about the visa processing (acceptance/refusal) at least 6 weeks before the starting date of the booked course, otherwise the accommodation fee for one month is to be calculated.


Up to 4 weeks you are allowed to rebook either your room or course. Should the deadline be exceeded, additonal costs will be calculated.


Each of the participants is requested to take out health insurance of his/her own. On request we can also obtain the insurance contract for you in Germany. It covers health and indemnity insurance.


The Alpha-Aktiv institute commits itself to rendering the booked and guaranteed services in their entirety. Should that not be the case for the reasons unrelated to the Alpha Aktiv institute, the school bears no responsibility.

The course participant is responsible for all damages done by himself/herself. Should any damage be done to any other participant, the Alpha Aktiv institute can take over the situation and act as an intermediary between the two parties. The offender is responsible for his actions against the third person.

The participation in the course is at one’s own risk. Hence we recommend health insurance.
Hum de reserva mais recente para esta escola foi Luxemburgo e economizou €10,50!