Preço total

Advanced English (advanced level)

New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS), Auckland, Nova Zelândia

General English + conversation 20 aulas por semana

Nome curso
Advanced English (advanced level)
Horas de curso
09:00 - 13:00
Dias curso
Seg, Ter, Qua, Qui, Sex
Táxons admin.
€138,46 tooltip
Duração da lição
Certificado de curso
Idade mínima
Número médio de alunos
Curso de materiais

Níveis: Intermediário - nível B2, Avançado - nível C1, Proficiente - nível C2

The advanced English is a course for high achievers in the academic and professional world. This course is for students who already have a very high level of English but want to develop their fluency, accuracy and vocabulary range as well as a deeper understanding for English expression and idiomatic use. The course is highly communicative, enabling the student to debate and discuss global and national issues of interest with specific focus on using learned vocabulary and skills and fine-tuning pronunciations. Students at this level will no longer need to rely upon translation but may need to focus on complete accuracy in the use of key linguistic structure and practice. This course allows students to make the final step to obtaining complete and natural fluency.

New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)

155 Queen Street, Auckland, Nova Zelândia

  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
  • New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)

O questionário de avaliação, é enviado para todos os estudantes frequentaram hum New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)
Estas são como como opiniões dos alunos refletem suas experiências quando estudavam nessa escola e não expressam uma opinião de
Desta forma, você pode ter uma idéia melhor sobre uma escola.

Instalações 87%
Localização 100%
Diversão 87%
Ensino 85%

Comentário New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)

8 Comentários

Informações gerais: New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)

Número de aulas: 20

N º médio de alunos por sala de aula: 10

Idade mínima aluno: 16

Teste de nível sem primeiro dia:

Distância Aeroporto: 20 km.

Aeroporto mais próximo: Auckland Airport

Ano de operação da escola: 2000

Horários de funcionamento de escola: 9:00 - 18:00

Datas de fechamento: Mostrar


Após seminários curriculares classe/extra
Aprendizagem áudio
Coffee shop
Sala de informática
Viagens culturais
Área de alimentação
Serviço de fax
Acesso gratuito à internet
Internet Wi-Fi
Serviço de impressão
Material de auto-estudo
Atividades sociais
Quarto de estudante
Sala de estudo
Jogos de mesa
Sala de televisão

Certificações e selos de qualidade

Informações dos alunos

•We provide everything you need to help you improve and enhance your learning performance with the lastest innovative teaching methods. The tutorial area The tutorial is an extra learning hour apart from the main subject. The facilities and tools we provide in the tutorial area to help support students with their learning are study desk/chairs, computers, books, printer machines/wireless and a tutor to help out. The tutorial area is open from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm. Library and learning center Students can access and use these books and learning resources at any time but within the school grounds. There are varieties of books that students can read and enjoy, such as: text books, magazines, journals, and newspapers, leaflets, video and audio tapes, CD

•ROMs and database access to support the students with their studies. Computer labs Our computer technology and system are upgraded to meet the needs of our students. We also provide other important office facilities, such as printers, scanners, and photocopiers. For students’ convenience we also provide wireless connection which covers the school so that students can gain access to the internet with their own laptops or phones in school. Inspiring professionals Our teachers are selected for their personality, dedication, enthusiasm, and experience. They lead interactive, conversation

•based classes that teach real

•world language based on current events and everyday topics. Small class size We always limit class sizes to ensure the best education quality delivery which guarantees students have enough time to express themselves and to interact with teachers. Special interest classes Our class selection and combination is suited to all students’ study plans. Students can focus on general, academic or examination English. English for your every need, we have it all! Multi

•media classrooms The facilities here at NZIOS are modern, hi

•tech, fresh and comfortable. Students have access to computer laboratories as well as resource areas, which maintain up


•date reference materials.

Resumo de reserva

Curso De €129,22 Por semana
Dados de início Semanas Alunos

Preço total:

Pivô de desconto  
Reservar com e ganhe 4 % de desconto

LanguageBookings Melhor preço garantido
100% garantido, você vai pagar o preço mais barato.
Apoio excepcional
Sempre precisar de ajuda, você pode sempre chamar o nosso apoio ao cliente.
Reservas 100% confirmado
Nenhuma concorrência te garante melhores CEN de reserva

Termos & CEN: New Zealand Institute of Studies (NZIoS)

- Serviços devem ser pagos completo 20 dias antes início curso a fim de EFECTUARTAR uma inscrição e garantir hum lugar fazer curso e/ou o alojamento.
- Como reservas não são transferíveis.
- Como despesas bancárias são pagas pelos alunos
- Ter de devem os alunos 16 anos de idade sobre

Política de cancelamento

- O cancelamento deve ser comunicados por escrito para uma escola pela pessoa recente o curso.
- Onde hum cancelamento nao recebido 10 dias após inscrição lá será sem qualquer tipo de reembolso.
- Como encerramento de inscrição são não-reembolsáveis.
- Uma taxa de inscrição não são reembolsáveis.
- Taxa de reserva de alojamento não são reembolsáveis.
- Nenhum reembolso será feito para encurtar a duração curso após o pagamento.
- Depois de um curso? tico nenhum reembolso de qualquer acomodação ou outro item reservado.
- Não há reembolso para chegadas tardias, partidas antecipadas ou ausências, por qualquer motivo, de classes durante todo o curso.

Política de reembolso

- Se um curso é cancelado menos de 14 dias e uma data de início serão aplicadas como acusações Revised:
- taxa de inscrição
- Ó o alojamento de semana 2

Recusa de visto

- Nenhum caso de um visto é recusado ao aluno, a escola irá cobrar 250 NZD Euro e o saldo restante serão devolvidos para o aluno mediante o recebimento de uma carta de recusa de visto original.

E outros termos

Study and employment for Students
A student visa (or a limited visa granted for the purpose of study) is required for all people coming to New Zealand to study for more than three months. Study must be the main purpose of your visit.
To get a student visa you have to show you have enough money to meet your living costs during your stay.
A working holiday visa may allow you to travel, work and/or study for a limited period depending on your age and nationality.
You may be able to work while you’re studying, but only part-time and only under certain circumstances. You’re allowed to get a job for up to 20 hours per week during the academic year or full-time during the Christmas/New Year holidays (the summer holidays in New Zealand). Remember, 20 hours is the maximum number of hours you can work each week, even if you work for more than one employer.
Generally only full-time tertiary students or year 12 and 13 high school students can work. Before you start to work, you must get permission from Immigration New Zealand.

Withdrawal, Cessation of Enrollment and Refund Procedures
• In order to withdraw from a course of study you must report your withdrawal from a course in writing to the Principal.
• Students who are withdrawn from study following academic or disciplinary procedures are not entitled to a refund of fees.
Students who withdraw during the statutory period will be entitled to the following refunds
• If the course is up to 5 weeks and the student cancels in the first 2 days we will refund 50% of any tuition fees paid. A request for cancellation/withdrawal must be completed in writing by the student.
• If the course is over 5 weeks and 12 weeks or less and the student cancels in the first 5 days we will refund 75% of tuition fees paid. A request for cancellation/withdrawal must be completed in writing by the student.
• If the course is over 12 weeks and the student cancels in the first 10 working days we will refund based on actual costs incurred, the maximum percentage of the payment, or sum of any payments, may retain is 25%. A request for cancellation/withdrawal must be completed in writing by the student.
Hum de reserva mais recente para esta escola foi Benin e economizou €86,40!