Árabe para Negócios 20 aulas por semana
Níveis: Iniciante, Elementar - nível A1, Pré-intermediário-nível A2, Intermediário - nível B1, Intermediário - nível B2, Avançado - nível C1, Proficiente - nível C2
This course is designed to give students a comprehensive view of communication in the Arab world, its scope and importance in business, and the role of communication in establishing a favorable outside the firm environment, as well as an effective internal communications program. Arabic communicators rely on repetition, hyperbolic language, and emotion to persuade when writing or speaking
This course also develops an awareness of the importance of understanding the Arab culture to facilitate the business communication.
Course Objectives
Learning how to :
Listen and Speak Arabic Under Pressure in a business meeting and with Arab clients, Write effective letters and memos in Arabic, Prepare informal and formal reports in Arabic, Proofread and edit copies of business correspondence in Arabic language, Complete an accurate, complete resume and cover letter,
Conduct excellent interviews and complete follow-up employment correspondence,
Use business etiquette with Arab in a business meeting,Plan successfully for and participate in meetings and conduct proper techniques in telephone usage for the Arabic clients,Use e-mail effectively in Arabic, Develop interpersonal skills that contribute to effective and satisfying personal, social and professional relationships in the Arab countries.
19 Dr Ahmed Al Hofy-Almansora, , Giza, Egito
Não há nenhum comentário de estudantes para esta escola
Número de aulas: 15
N º médio de alunos por sala de aula: 2
Idade mínima aluno: 12
Teste de nível sem primeiro dia:
Distância Aeroporto: 12 km.
Aeroporto mais próximo: Cairo Airport
Ano de operação da escola: 2003
Horários de funcionamento de escola: 8:00 - 16:00
Datas de fechamento: Mostrar
•Our Teachers All of our educators are native Arabic speakers with degrees from prestigious universities in Egypt, including Al
•Azhar University. Our instructors have up to 15 years experience in Arabic instruction and some are MSA Specialists. All of our teachers speak English and several are conversant in other languages in addition.