Preço total

Intermediate – beginner level

Euroccl, Amã, Jordânia

General árabe 20 aulas por semana

Nome curso
Intermediate – beginner level
Horas de curso
09:00 - 12:45
Dias curso
Seg, Ter, Qua, Qui, Dom
Táxons admin.
€46,17 tooltip
Duração da lição
Certificado de curso
Idade mínima
Número médio de alunos
Curso de materiais
€23,08 Obrigatório e não incluído tooltip

Níveis: Elementar - nível A1

Identifying the basic vocabularies when it is mentioned in a spoken script.
Carrying out 2-3 orders.
Understanding the special orders concerning family and friends.
Listening to a simplified description of events and scenes and explaining it without the use of the language.
The ability to describe something depending on a concept or a picture.
Setting the sequence numbers.
Listening and identifying week days, months, and dates.
Reading the basic vocabularies silently, whether it appeared in the concept or not.
Reading a short script (2-3 sentences) about familiar topics, answering with yes/no or right/wrong.
Reading numbers from 1-100 written in letters.
Reading prices and quantities.
Reading sentences that have been orally controlled.

Speaking and oral interaction:
Describing family and friends (ages, relationships, weight, color…)
Chanting solo and in groups.
Composing sentences about one’s need and the others.
Spelling the basic vocabularies that will be given in lists, with a right pronunciation.
Answering questions and describing something after hearing a certain script.
Asking for details about family and friends using specific words.
Calculating quantities and money in the Arabic language.
Expressing time by using certain words.

Writing the numbers from 1-100.
Writing the correct shape of the letter according to its position.
Writing the given words in basic vocabularies list with clear hand writing.
Writing short familiar sentences when dictated.


Queen Rania str. 364, Amã, Jordânia

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  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
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  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl

Não há nenhum comentário de estudantes para esta escola

Informações gerais: Euroccl

Número de aulas: 7

N º médio de alunos por sala de aula: 6

Idade mínima aluno: 18

Teste de nível sem primeiro dia:

Distância Aeroporto: 40 km.

Aeroporto mais próximo: Queen Alia Airport

Ano de operação da escola: 2011

Horários de funcionamento de escola: 8:00 - 8:00

Datas de fechamento: Mostrar

Informações dos alunos

•We offer a team of highly qualified, experienced and caring teachers – some of the best educators in the field. The most of our Arabic Teachers are PhD holders and have made it their life’s work (at the University of Jordan or at the Damascus University) to teach and support learners, especially those who have language difficulties. And it shows in the way they work with the students and in the outstanding results we deliver.

Resumo de reserva

Curso De €273,16 Por semana
Dados de início Semanas Alunos

Preço total:

Pivô de desconto  
Reservar com e ganhe 3 % de desconto

LanguageBookings Melhor preço garantido
100% garantido, você vai pagar o preço mais barato.
Apoio excepcional
Sempre precisar de ajuda, você pode sempre chamar o nosso apoio ao cliente.
Reservas 100% confirmado
Nenhuma concorrência te garante melhores CEN de reserva

Termos & CEN: Euroccl

Política de cancelamento

Política de reembolso

Recusa de visto

E outros termos

Full payment must be received by the Supplier School not less than 14 days before your Start Date. You will not be allowed to commence your Course if payment is not made by that time. Payment may be made by bank transfer, credit or debit card or in person to the Relevant Account. Additional charges may apply depending on the choice of payment medium and such charges are identified on the Price List.

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