As you take Inglês courses in Oxford, you will soon see that Oxford is found in the town of Oxfordshire that is located in the South East of England. Here you can mingle with the 165,000 people living in this town. When you take up your course, you can also see the astonishing buildings and establishments that are built during the Inglês architectural period. Most of these buildings were constr... Saiba Mais »
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Escolha seu curso de Inglês em Oxford

Cursos de Inglês para adultos em Oxford »

Aprender Inglês em Oxford com um curso de Inglês para adultos é a melhor maneira de aprender o idioma rapidamente. Enquanto você aprende  Inglês, se diverte e conhece as...

Preparação para exames de Inglês em Oxford
Preparação para exames de Inglês em Oxford »
Nossa seleção de cursos de Inglês para preparação para exames em Oxford são perfeitos se você precisa melhorar suas habilidades na língua para ter sucesso no exame. Realizar...

Acelere o crescimento da sua carreira! Faça um Inglês curso para profissionais em Oxford e veja a sua carreira evoluir mais rápido. Os...

Esta é uma maneira excelente de aprender Inglês em Oxford com os cursos combinados com atividades divertidas. Aqui em LanguageBookings n&oacu...

LanguageBookings oferece cursos de Inglês, associadas a viagens e excursões em Oxford, para crianças e adolescentes interessados em co...

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Escolas de Oxford

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Melhores escolas de idiomas em Oxford

4% de desconto British Study Centres Oxford
British Study Centres Oxford
Oxford tem uma merecida reputação mundial para a qualidade do seu ensino. Universidade de Oxford é consistentemente classificada no top 3 do mundo. A cidade fica nas margens do Tamisa e possui uma variedade de bibliotecas, galerias e museus mundialmente famosos....
British Council ENGLISH UK
Cursos de €123,70
4% de desconto Target Language
Target Language
Somos uma escola de língua inglesa pequena no centro da histórica cidade de Oxford. Temos um tamanho máximo de escola de 36 alunos, então aqui está sempre amigável, e acreditamos em fornecer alta qualidade do ensino do idioma Inglês para pequenos grupos de alunos. ...
British Council Education UK
Cursos de €182,87
5% de desconto Kings Oxford
Kings Oxford
Reis Oxford é dividida em dois campi: os cursos de língua inglesa são ministrados no campus da rua de St Michaels, uma localização central com um salão elegante estudante e luz e espaçosas salas de aula com quadros brancos interactivos; os programas...
British Council Edexcel Education UK ENGLISH UK
Cursos de €254,77
4% de desconto Oxford International Study Centre
Oxford International Study Centre
OISC is accredited by the Independent Schools Inspectorate, with Grade 1(excellent) in each category. We have a UKVI Tier licence. The College is also an Associate Member of the European Council of International Schools, and a recognised examination centre. Our...
BILDUNGSURLAUB Erasmus+ Independent School Inspectorate
Cursos de €295,82
4% de desconto Oxford International Language School
Oxford International Language School
Oxford ILS is a small school located in Oxford. We have two campuses - one for the Adult School and another one for the Junior Summer School. Quality and satisfaction are paramount to us therefore we offer small classes (maximum of 10 students) to enable our...
British Council ENGLISH UK
Cursos de €86,06

High Quality of Education Mixed with Fun and Enjoyment.

As you take Inglês courses in Oxford, you will soon see that Oxford is found in the town of Oxfordshire that is located in the South East of England. Here you can mingle with the 165,000 people living in this town. When you take up your course, you can also see the astonishing buildings and establishments that are built during the Inglês architectural period. Most of these buildings were constructed since the 18th century. The most famous of these buildings is the Radcliffe Camera which you can visit while you study Inglês courses in Oxford.

Oxford is also known as the “city of dreaming spires” as coined by the poet Matthew Arnold. While you take up your Inglês courses in Oxford, you will also feel what it’s like to live within the borders of the famous town in England.


Oxford’s Most Famous Spots

Inglês Courses in OxfordWhile you take up your Inglês courses in Oxford, you can also visit famous tourist attractions including the University of Oxford. The Oxford city also draws almost 9.1 million every year. You can also see some TV networks filming their latest projects here as the buildings make a good backdrop. If you decide to take up Inglês courses in Oxford, you can also take a look on the center of the city in Carfax and continue your journey to the Cornmarket Street. Oxford’s different chain stores and some famous establishments are located in the Queen Street and in the Cornmarket Street.

Some of the spots that you can visit while you are taking up Inglês courses in Oxford include the Ashmolean Museum. This is one of the greatest museums in the world and it is also known as Britain’s first ever official museum. This place held some collection of natural specimens that embodies England’s biodiversity. During the 1718, a prize possession called Alfred Jewel was added to it. This relic is described as the gold-encrusted and enameled ornament that is used to decorate the scepter.

Another spot that you can visit while you are taking up Inglês courses in Oxford is the Blackwell’s Books. This is the largest bookstore in Europe and this is where the Norrington Room is found. You can also shop for books in their underground cavity. You can also take a look at the Bodleian Library whose buildings are scattered all throughout Oxford. The core of this library is at the Radcliffe Square but its oldest and most famous parts are at the Duke Humprey’s Library.

Oxford is an established place for academic excellence. Taking up any course here will ensure that you will get the highest quality education that you can afford. If you decide to take up Inglês courses in Oxford, you will not only learn how to speak the international language, you will also experience how it’s like to study at the seat of academic excellence.


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We are a marketplace that promotes trust and collaboration. This is why we have built the best ever class tools and services to surely assist and hone you into making the right decisions. Find students reviews, host references, school quality seals and accreditations, ... learn more


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